What is it about the holiday seasons that makes it so wonderful? People become likable in its spirit. Niceness is in the air. The southern hospitality is overflowing with kindness. The bright white teeth are out. The helping hands are working overtime. Where were they all year long?
Maybe it’s the music. Christmasy songs become the background score for this time of the year. Wherever we go, there are angelic voices singing tunes of love. We are transported to a moment where only goodness exist. We become believers of a just world, where we are all at peace, living in harmony.
Perhaps it’s the colors. Red and green have come out to play. Holiday themed fashion is sprinkled across town over a frosty white backdrop. Gold and silver twinkling on ornamental trees tops. Every insignificant object becomes click worthy. This is the time of the year when we pause and appreciate, able to see our world without filters.
Perhaps it’s the food. Chocolates, cakes, and pastries are ready to satisfy many a sweet tooth. Gluttony gets a free pass this time of year. We are allowed to indulge and let our cravings get the better of us. Home-made food spread over a checkered table cloth. Hot chocolate mugs of joy sitting by the fireside. A glass of red to elevate our Holy Spirit.
Every year we return to this moment. We arrive with our scars from a year endured. It was a year of conflict, of loss, of disappointment, of anger, of incompleteness. So here we are, to take a break, to be cared for, to reflect upon, to hold hands, to give and to forgive. We are here to replenish the love we lost, and to regain our strength. For when this moment passes, we have to get back out there into the real world, armed up to fight another round.
Ii wanted to right off the bat say “disco” in honor of the namesake Bollywood tune;) But more seriously, it’s a great question/observation to which I don’t have an answer. But what it reveals is that if we work toward wanting to feel a certain way, we can. The power of intention. So maybe we celebrate each of the 365 days in a holiday spirit!
It seems tradition and intention come naturally with hauling out the bins of decorations, wrappings, recipes. More smiles everywhere...”bright while teeth” here in the Midwest too! And “red and green come out to play”...outdoing each other in plaids and florals, matchy matchy or token bows and broaches. I like the rhythm here. Raj, your playfulness with words. This is quite uplifting and well done in my opinion! Thanks for bringing to my attention.